Monday, December 23, 2019

Effect Of Teens On Sports - 1929 Words

According to the National Federation of State High School Association 7.8 million students participated in high school sports throughout the 2013-2014 school year, making it the twenty-fifth year in a row that the total amount of student athletes has escalated. It has been proven through many studies that teens participation in sports has a positive impact on them in various aspects of their lives. One positive effect in teens involvement in sports is that in the future, it will open up a window of opportunity for teens to use the fact that they were a member of a sport as an advantage over other non-athletes when applying for college. Some teen’s discover that they are actually gifted at a certain sport or sports which results in their†¦show more content†¦The effects of the participation in sports not only reflects positively on teens during their youth, but it also reflects well on them throughout their future. As aforementioned, there was an estimated 7.8 million students who participated in high school sports during the 2014- 2015 school year alone. The active involvement in any extracurricular activity can help students capture colleges attention. Furthermore, the involvement in sports such as basketball, soccer, or baseball can help students capture the attention of college scouts and or college admissions officers. If a student is identified as a dedicated and active participant in a sport he or she has the chance to fall in line with the other thousands of student for the opportunity of receiving an athletic scholarship or a merit award. For example, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, or NCAA, stated that division one or division two colleges in the United States offer a combined total of 2.7 billion dollars in scholarship money annually for high school athletes.While 2.7 billion may seem like a lot of money it is not nearly enough to cover the tuition for the 7.8 million k ids in sports. However not all money for being involved in sports is derived from athletic scholarships. Division three colleges, which are typically private institutions, often offer need based grants or merit grants for a variety of diverse student accomplishments one of which a sport is considered.

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